Dental cleanings, X-rays, fluorides

Crowns and fillings

Deep cleanings, root canals, extractions

What to expect after treatment

You are invited to our office!


At the practice of Dr. Norman Bolosan and Dr. Stephanie Tran, we believe a healthy smile starts with routine preventive care. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums will give you a beautiful smile at any age. Our goal is to provide comprehensive care for lifelong dental health.


A beautiful wood bridge with two majestic arches is located near our office. At your appointment, you should take some time to check it out. The bridge crosses over North Creek which is home to native wildlife including chinook, sockeye, and coho salmon. The sky above can be filled with tens of thousands of crows that nest at UW Bothell.


The bridge represents what we strive to do at our office. We create a bridge between our patients and our care team. Whether it’s a treatment concern, a financial issue, or interpreting the fine print on your insurance plan, our team is there to find solutions, to create a bridge with our patients.


You are invited to cross that bridge with us. Contact us today.